Sunday, September 12, 2004

JuSt AnoTher DAy..

weEeEe haven been updating for quite sum time.. hahaha.. my team WCG ended badly.. hmpf~ could haf win but lost.. can sae its the marshalls fault but nvm.. haha.. dun wanna be lyk sore loser.. hahah.. in games u either win or lose.. so simple.. ok friday after getting kicked out of wcg.. me n darling went wif niven n jamie to eat.. after dat we went our seperate ways.. me n darling went to watch movie.. watch raising helen.. dunno y din feel dat the show was gd.. but nvm.. haha.. den end at 11 lyk dat.. den i send darling home den go home.. den sat.. darling sae wanted 2 come my hse study.. but b4 dat go watch movie first.. we met at PS to watch the terminal 1:40 show.. end up the seats left the front row.. so didnt watch den watched the 3pm the cinderella story.. wow not bad.. nice nice.. kissing part was gd too.. haHAHah.. can learn a few pointers from them ^^ den after dat we BUS and i mean BUS home.. i mean to my hse.. den wanted 2 study but in the end nv.. played matchie instead.. haha.. got laptop n com at home helps :P den played till almost 9 le.. den she cab home.. didnt eat dinner.. so ke lian.. :X sorry darling.. SUNDAY.. i woke up at 2.. HAHAHAHAH wtfish.. den i ate lunch le.. den went to CRC to meet darling.. den she play her rock fever.. i play my MVC2.. den play sum CS.. not sum.. quite alot.. HAHAHA.. den went ljs to eat.. den send darling home den i go back.. heh heh.. nth much these few days.. heh heh.. exams coming le.. muz study n pass all.. dun wanna retain.. haha.. -END-

* LoVe LovEllE*


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