Friday, August 27, 2004

FreEdoM wiThiN rEaCh..!!

weeEEeEEe... last day of exams 2dae.. i mean later.. lols.. after dat can slack n slack n slack... had 2 test le.. 1 confident.. 1 i tink if i pass i'm gd le.. lols.. n this last 1.. dunno.. haven studi much yet.. dun tink will be sleeping le.. lols.. yeeeeha!! past few days been slacking at home.. not really studying much for this comin test.. dunno y.. juz dun feel lyk.. lol.. have been playing quite alot of cs.. playing pub.. mix match etc etc.. cant wait for the return of my teammates from their o lvls.. lols.. later after exams gonna go play soccer wif gab they all.. preparing for our match on sat.. they sae wanna buy jersey dunno real anot.. no money!! >.< .. den sat match at 3 lyk dat.. oso dunno where.. den only can meet darling at nite.. den smelly smelly.. omg >.< gRrRrrR.. maybe go her hse bathe.. :X lol.. okie dats all folks!! cya soon..!! RetributioN.BonDiDi-SzN :P

*LoVe LovEllE*


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