Monday, August 30, 2004

JuSt AnoTher DAy..

weEEEe back from school... boring siakz.. 5hrs of sch.. 5hrs lyk not veri long but 5hrs studying 2 subjects.. >.< teacher teach so fast summore.. as if we all lyk him so smart.. all lyk him head on top no hair.. z.Z hahah... sunday woke up ard 10.. den wanted 2 go darling hse asap.. end up dilly dally left hse at 11.. lol.. den take bus there.. 2 hrs!!! wtfiakz... bus 1/2way break down.. den traffic jam.. grRrRR! /me pbans bus! wanted 2 go darling hse to study.. end up she wanted 2 eat ljs.. so we took cab to crc.. play abit of rock fever.. den went to eat ljs.. after dat wanted 2 watch movie but no time slots.. so went back to crc.. there we played mix match wif kaya maki and ksn.. weeEEe played 2 won 2.. haha.. den 7+ le.. darling meeting her mum to go gai gai.. ask me whether i wan go.. but i dun1.. haha.. /me shy.. :X den i sent her there first.. den go home.. on the way home the taxi driver say i gd bf.. send her off.. wHAHAHAH! :P ^^ reach home tired le.. den nth 2 do oso.. so went slp.. haha.. yeeEEHA!!! -END-

*LoVe LovEllE*


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