Monday, August 30, 2004

SchO.oL iSnt cO.oL

haiz... sch starts again... starting at 11 2dae.. end at freaking 5.. ok now in sch.. mass sian.. so edit post.. lols.. lemme first update wat i've done past few days.. sat morning went wif gab etc to queensway to shop for jersey.. after quite long we ended up choosing the umbro blue colour 1.. $20.. quite nice quite cheap.. lols.. den afternoon wore it for our match.. weeEE won 4-3.. kinda tyco.. leg pain siakz.. >.< .. but a win is a win.. :P den at nite suppose to meet darling for dinner.. but my fone no batt.. couldnt contact her.. end up ate dinner wif jj n others.. ate mee goreng.. damm hot but damm nice.. lols.. den come home charge batt.. watch mu match.. darling sms me 3 times during da day.. she seemed angry.. den at nite in irc.. we quarrelled.. but in the end all turned out fine.. heEeheEe.. ok wat i've done on sunday l8ter come back from sch den update... lols.. -END-

*LoVe LovEllE*


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