Tuesday, August 24, 2004

BuSy WeEk!!

exams exams... haiz... today had my EG2 exam aka my first exam of the 3 i'm gonna take.. it was pretty easy.. was able to do all of the qns.. only 1 i dun realli noe.. but nvm.. i studied only abit.. and the worst thing was i studied those dat were not tested(the harder ones) and left out the ezier topics which were tested.. z.Z.. cannot blame others.. onli can blame myself for nt paying attention in class.. din hear wat teacher said was gonna be tested.. grRrRr.. but nvm its over.. feeling confident abt it.. i love it when first paper is maths.. kinda boost my morale up.. haha.. but oso makes me feel dat all the test gonna be ez den dun feel lyk studying.. >.<.. haiz.. dunno lahs... haf been studying for my AMP.. its 1 of the hardest subjects in my module.. maybe oso cos in class i tapai sleeping.. lols.. gotta study n catch up.. cannot let pple despise me.. now resting.. so do blog.. lol.. 2ml test from 9-1030.. hope to do well.. but hoping isnt enuff.. gotta study.. lols.. okie dats all for 2dae.. lookin fwd to a boring week of studyin and more studyin.. kinda neglect my darling.. sorry :X.. current mood : BORED!! current fav song : RuRu-gen wo shuo (kinda old juz re-started listening to it lol)

*LoVe LovEllE*


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