Tuesday, December 13, 2005

life's a bitch.. when its like shit!

yeah it sorta rhymes.. thot abt the title for.. 2seconds or so.. haven been regular blogging.. as in not once a day animore.. but still regular enuff i tink.. once a couple of days.. okay lets start where i stopped.. sunday night..

stayed at my uncle's place for quite long.. yeah as usual.. my dad always likes to go off last.. even thou i was pestering to go home from 10... we went home at 11+ i tink reached home at 12.. luckily i brought my laptop over.. so i played abit of dota there.. came back home.. was pretty tired.. but wanted to watch the man u match.. so i juz forced my eyes awake.. and watched man u kick sum ass.. as least i wanted them to kick ass.. in the end they sucked shit.. draw 1-1 wif everton.. at home.. dats never gd enuff.. lol.. aniway after dat i juz went to bed.. had sch nxt morning..

monday.. woke up abt 730.. i set my alarm.. den took my time.. washed up.. and strolled to sch.. wasnt realli late.. den in sch.. was realli tired.. luckily first 3hrs teacher was kinda slack.. we juz did our own stuff.. it was revision.. so i juz revised abit of computer stuff wif hanting and kahboon.. kahboon itchy hand made my stuff gone.. revised quite well i tink.. den class ended at 11.. den juz strolled home.. didnt buy lunch.. wanted to slp.. lol.. reached home den slpt... class at 12.. but was realli lazy.. so i continued slping for another 2hrs.. lol..

woke up.. went for my 2pm class.. its the first time i pon class in 7 weeks.. reason = to sleep.. lol.. kinda lame.. but aniway i thot the 2hrs of slp was well worth it.. was realli awake after dat.. juz breezed thru the lessons.. den at 5.. walked back home.. yeah rite.. still had a test.. lol.. test lasted 1hr.. pretty ok.. shld be able to pass i hope.. lol.. den started walking home.. had to buy my own dinner.. so went canteen and buy.. den realised didnt bring money out.. lol.. went to draw money.. walked darn far.. and the damn atm bended my card.. had to draw $50 to pay for $2.50.. lame shit.. den after buying walked home.. reached home abt 630 liao.. 30mins to walk/buy food home.. this juz shows how much i walked.. lol..

came home and eat.. den juz chatted wif dear.. dear had sore throat.. den we juz chatted until 7+.. den dear went to eat dinner.. and would onli come back at 10.. during dat time i juz played o2jam.. neopets.. dota.. dats abt all.. den dear came back.. continued chatting.. until abt 11+ den dear went to bed.. dear going to airport to send jo home nxt morning.. den i juz watched a couple of demos b4 going to bed..

woke up at abt 10.. xy called me to play soccer.. took my time.. dilly dally.. b4 going down.. den juz played until ard 1.. den walked home.. bought food home on the way.. reached home.. bathe and eat.. den talk to dear online again.. dear was still sick.. she didnt wan to go out.. den she say dun meet today or else pass the sore throat to me.. bah.. so juz stayed at home.. dear went to rest.. i played neoepts.. den dear woke up.. we played abit of o2jam.. yeah i bought sum o2jam clothes.. lol.. kinda punkish.. den 7+ went to eat.. mum bought back food...

after eating juz returned to my com.. dear was kinda busy i tink.. she was looking at all the dvds her dad bought.. over 100 i tink.. den we played o2jam for awhile.. den dear went to watch the 9pm show.. i juz played a game of dota.. den dear came back at 10.. den we juz played summore o2jam.. den i made dear sad... reason being i was angry.. so i angry = dear sad.. not angry.. more fustrated.. i was talking and talking.. and dear didnt reply.. den suddenly she asked y i not talking.. so i replied sumthin lyk.. talk oso talk to wall den talk for wat.. den i juz left and played a few games on my own.. den played wif my sis.. okies gonna slp now.. pretty tired.. dear oso go slp liao i tink.. dats all~ bb

*** BBBrennaNNN ***


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