Wednesday, December 07, 2005

long day cut short... :D

ok woke up at abt 840 today.. den washed up and headed for class... had 4hrs of lessons b4 break.. first 3hrs had to do sum project or smth.. den the last hr was a boring class.. almost fell asleep.. den after dat juz walked home.. reached home.. ate sum potato chips.. den played abit of o2jam.. den after awhile had to go to class again.. growls.. 1hr of practical.. which wasnt veri practical.. it was in a com lab.. lol.. den it ended at abt 3.. so after dat juz walked home.. bought a packet of chicken rice oso..

reached home.. ate chicken rice.. shared abit of it wif my sis.. she eats realli little.. den juz slacked ard at home.. chatting ard wif dear.. teaching my sis abit of neopets and such.. den played abit of neopets too.. den dear was going out wif frens for movie.. all of them guys.. den 4+ or 5.. went down to play badminton wif my sis.. play awhile.. den was realli tired.. so came back up.. juz slacked in bed.. played a few games of dota..

den after dat mum came home.. she bought sum meat/veg home.. den cooked a fish.. den juz ate.. after dat juz finished my dota game.. okies.. i'm gonna slp soon.. gonna bathe first.. yeah its pretty early.. probably waking up to watch soccer in 6hrs time or so.. yeah dats abt it.. bb~

*** BBBrennaNNN~ :D ***


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