Friday, December 02, 2005


its friday... well its past 12 so its friday.. ok thurs was a usual 1.. went to sch at 10.. 1hr of class.. played sum cs.. den played a game of dota wif kahboon and weiyang.. but didnt finish thou.. ah.. my standard.. nt too bad.. esp since it was random and i had a hero i nv seen b4.. let alone use b4.. kahboon had CM.. 1 of the 4 heros i noe how to use only.. but hes noob.. yeah.. lol.. den 1hr of break.. came home.. didnt buy lunch home.. cos didnt break money to sch.. lol..

ok back at home.. juz slacked ard.. played 1 game of dota.. den watch tv.. den 2hrs flown by.. its abt time for sch again.. dear woke up realli realli late.. cos she slpt realli realli late too.. was in sch from 1 until 5.. helped hanting install dota.. den juz played sum cs and dota.. my internet is farked again.. dunno y it juz wun load.. damn shit.. onli at home den can.. damn sch net sarks.. growls.. den class end at 5.. juz strolled home..

reached home.. dear was playing match.. joined the svr.. and ended up playing 1 rd.. nt veri fun.. so fast finish.. den played a couple more matches.. den dear went to eat dinner.. damn i had no dinner.. mum nv cook.. and she came home was lazy to go buy.. damn i'm lazy too.. no food no food! :( dear went to watch tv.. so i juz played a few more games of dota.. den dear came back.. we played abit of aim map.. and suddenly dear was gone again.. her daddy use her com to see dvd.. been waiting for her for abt 2hrs30mins or so.. she gonna slp liao.. wasted my effort.. lol.. i'm oso slping soon.. prolly gonna play abit of neopets b4 i slp.. tata~

*** BBBrennaNNN officially knows how to use 4 heros! :D ***


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