Sunday, December 11, 2005


its the weekends.. rather uneventful 1 this week.. ok lets start on friday.. went to sch as usual at 8.. was abit late i tink as usual.. den after 2hrs of lesson.. den had practical.. ended pretty early.. afternoon class was cancelled.. so my class played soccer.. not sure wat time we started.. maybe about 1130-12.. den we played for real long.. played until 3.. my class soccer standard isnt too gd i suppose.. lol.. but we are taking part in a tourny in jan i tink.. yeah den after soccer juz walked home..

was kinda late i suppose.. i told dear i would be home pretty early.. but ended up reaching home at 3.. dear was angry.. den juz chatted for awhile.. didnt realli noe wat to do also.. in the end went to dear house.. brought my laptop over.. and reached pretty late.. reached abt 6+ yeah and it was dear's mom bday.. but didnt go out to celebrate or anithin lyk dat.. her mom had a meeting.. we juz ordered mac and ate.. watched abit of tv and such.. i played sum dota on my laptop and dats abt all.. came home pretty late.. no cs on friday..

sat.. woke up real late.. dear called my house to wake me up.. lol.. my hp was off.. dear was angry again.. cos i woke up late.. she wanted to go marina early in the morning.. haiz.. dunno wats wrong keep making dear angry.. den we met at marina at abt 2+.. ate at LJS first.. been quite long since i ate LJS.. juz walked around.. didnt realli haf much plans so it was rather pointless walking about... dear bought a skirt.. jeans type.. pretty common.. den after abit more walking about we juz headed home.. didnt realli had ani plans.. it was pretty bad considering its our impt date..

reached dear house.. was pretty tired.. i juz went to bed while dear was playing o2jam i tink.. den we juz ate prata for dinner.. sorta juz wasted the day away.. played dota on dear com.. kinda lag.. trying new heros oso.. dats abt all.. my dad came to pick me quite late.. reach home already 130++ i tink.. den juz slacked the night away watching some soccer..playing sum o2jam.. slpt at abt 4...

sunday.. jw called me for soccer.. woke me up at 930 or so.. den i called zhe.. but zhe didnt go in the end.. so it was me jw gab and zn.. onli 4.. juz played 4v4.. played pretty well i guess.. won quite alot of games.. score alot of goals.. i tink 26 in total.. quite a gd day of soccer i would say.. den after playing jw headed home.. den me gab and zn juz went to the coffee shop to eat and slack.. chit chat abit.. talk about jw and stuff.. nth much.. chatted quite long.. i suppose gd frens haf lots to talk abt.. and we onli meet once a week or smth.. lol.. yeah den came home abt 420 or so.. juz bathed.. probably gonna play sum dota or o2jam now.. den gotta go for my baby cousin bday.. not so baby hes 4 i tink.. dats abt all.. tata~ :D

*** BBBrennaNNN ***


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