Thursday, December 01, 2005

schooool.. shittt... and stuff...

wednesday was juz a usual 1.. woke up early.. went for sch.. had 3 hrs of ED aka engineering design.. man its tough to understand this damn topic.. den after dat had ASAS... both pretty boring lessons.. actualli all my lessons this sem are pretty darn boring.. den class ended at 1.. den juz strolled home.. came home.. chatted wif dear awhile.. she going to send a fren home.. after she left.. i left to buy food.. at abt 2..

after lunching and reading papers blah blah.. i juz slack ard my laptop.. played abit of neopets first.. den browsed the web.. den started on a few games of dota.. yeah yeah i'm getting pretty gd at it now.. basically juz played dota thru out most of the late afternoon/evening.. until my dad came home.. he was changing the lights.. so went to help him abit.. den mum came home wif dinner..

ate dinner and watch tv.. den came back to the laptop.. played another game of dota.. den dear was home le.. but she went to watch sum tv show.. so i juz browsed the web.. watched a couple of demos.. den at 10 dear show end.. so we juz chatted.. den played 1 match.. nt bad played pretty well.. sum nice shots.. dats abt all for today.. gonna slp now.. sch 2ml morning again! growls~

*** BBBrennaNNN only needs 1 week to be pro! :D ***


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