Wednesday, November 23, 2005

weeeee... mid weeeeek..

din update yesterday.. was too tired.. i slpt at 10 or even before dat.. shows u juz how tired i was.. started of my tuesday pretty late.. no sch.. so i woke up abt 10+ den watch abit of tv.. did basically the normal stuff browsing web and such.. den went to buy back lunch.. bought for my sis oso.. after lunch juz slacked about in the house.. didnt do much seriously.. abt 3+ jw called.. jio-ed me for badminton.. since nth on.. so i juz went lor..

meet at abt 5.. but as usual was late.. 5 i was still at home.. den reach there.. play awhile.. den got chased out.. onli book for 1hr.. so didnt realli play long at all.. lol.. den went to eat tapao mac.. ate on the bus.. den buy a tuna sandwich for my mum b4 walking home.. at home was too tired.. so i chatted online wif dear for awhile.. dear had to bathe.. so i waited for her.. but wait for quite sum time.. i went to rest which eventually became sleep.. hehe~

wed.. woke up 8.. but class starts at 9.. so went back slp awhile.. den went sch.. had 3 dumb hrs of stupid class.. i dun realli tink the class is impt.. didnt learn ani shit at all.. den after dat 1hr more of class b4 i went back home.. changed into shoes den walked to sch for practical.. practical was so so.. lol.. nt interesting.. wouldnt say it was boring too.. den ended abt 3:40.. walked home.. bathe.. den left house.. went suntec to meet dear and her fren..

reached suntec abt 5+ met dear amanda and justus.. den we walked our seperate ways.. i went to eat mac first.. dear kope my fries until in the end maybe eat 10 fries or less.. den after dat went arcade.. play rock fever and basketball.. still pretty gd at both.. basketball had a 234 score i tink.. dats lyk a record and its after a few mths wifout playing.. pretty gd eh.. den after dat walked to marina.. watched 7pm emily rose.. nt veri nice.. nt interested in scary shows.. den walked to esplande and cabbed home...

couldnt stay long at dear house oso.. stayed awhile.. at least until she finish bathing.. den had to go home.. 2ml still haf sch at 8.. growls.. ok dats abt all for the past few days.. nt the usual neopets and other games.. i'm pretty gd at o2jam now.. hehehe~ cya!

*** BBBrennaNNN jamming his way to a 25star song ***


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