Wednesday, December 07, 2005

schooool again~!

in abt 9hrs time i'll be school again.. damn.. lol.. aniway today(tuesday) was dear's day.. started off in the morning.. woke up at abt 8.. ate potato/meat porridge.. my mum cooked for me.. i didnt haf school but juz felt lyk eating breakfast.. so woke up earlier.. den at abt 1030 or so.. dear came over to my house.. we played abit of badminton.. was pretty tired.. it was kinda hot.. even thou we played in the court wif the most shade.. den after playing awhile.. went back home.. den played abit of o2jam.. den dear wanted to watch XMEN 2.. i had the disc.. so we watched it.. it finished at abt 1+ i tink.. den juz washed up..

after bathing we just went to the market for lunch.. we both ate chicken rice.. den headed to IMM.. dear wanted to go daiso to buy sumthin.. juz walked around IMM for sum time.. its been quite sum time since i've been to IMM too.. den went to giant and get sum snacks.. den headed home.. juz slacked at home.. den dear wanted to watch charlies angels.. lol.. so she watched.. i was kinda tired so i fell slpt.. den ended abt 730.. so we just went for dinner at the market.. we both ate fish and chips.. den after dat went home again.. lol

my mum was back.. but i didnt bring my hp out so she couldnt call me to buy food for her.. was kinda late liao.. abt 9 i tink.. den dear wanted to go home le.. so she took her stuff.. den we headed to the market.. bought food for my mum.. den watch dear board the cab.. den strolled home.. came home.. played abit of dota.. trying new characters.. den chatted wif dear.. dear wanted to slp early.. she haf to go for dunno wat thing 2ml.. den work at her mum's nursing home.. i juz played abit of neopets and o2jam.. probably gonna slp now.. or maybe play summore o2jam or dota b4 slping.. dats abt all.. cya~ :D

*** BBBrennaNNN getting gd at o2jam :D ***


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