Friday, December 09, 2005

juz another day..

my day started off at abt 740 on thurs.. supposed to wake up early to watch soccer.. set alarm.. but was basically too shag.. so juz slpt instead of watching the match.. maybe dats y MANU lost.. damn.. lol.. lack of a loyal supporter lyk me.. lol.. okies den woke up and washed up.. den walked to sch.. it was practical first.. pretty decent practical.. quite simple.. den after dat was 1hr of lesson over in a flash.. after lesson juz strolled home.. didnt buy food.. ate inbetween the practical and lesson aniway.. came home juz played abit of neopets and a game of dota.. dats abt all..

den had lesson at 1.. left house at.. hmm.. 1.02.. lol.. den sort of rushed to sch.. walking speed thou.. den juz sat thru the 2hrs of boring lecture.. and another 2hr of playing game session.. lol.. this sem is realli jialat.. all lesson arent fun.. all teachers got dat gong gong tai tai face.. sian.. den lesson ended at 5.. juz walked home.. bought a small packet of crackers and ate while walking home.. dats kinda lyk my routine nowadays.. reached home.. chatted wif dear for awhile.. she went to work today... lol kinda slacked i supposed.. den played abit of o2jam and stuff.. until i had dinner..

dinner was earlier today.. my mum bought back.. and she came back early.. so i ate b4 7.. which is damn rare these days.. ate katong laksa while watching tv.. den after dat juz came back to the com.. den played abit of neopets.. realised i dl the wrong episode of naruto.. so i redl the correct 1.. and watched it.. den after dat dear was back.. didnt realli noe where she go.. supposed she went to eat.. den chatted for awhile.. den dear wanted go watch tv.. the dancing show i tink.. so i juz played sum dota.. after the show we chat again.. dear was going to slp le.. she kinda tired.. den 2ml still haf to work.. juz finished playing abit of o2jam and studied a little bit.. its kinda boring.. my sis juz started o2jam too.. yeah shes noob.. :D ok dats abt all.. yeah yeah nitez peeps~ :D

*** BBBrennaNNN is getting gd at o2jam :D ***


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