Sunday, September 19, 2004


ok updating... tired man.. lols.. friday after sch went to meet darling at bugis.. took 61 again.. doh.. freaking 1hr bus ride.. bored the daylights outta me.. 4got bring newpaper to read.. dohx.. nvm from now on i pban taking 61 liao.. :X den we met liao went seoul garden eat.. yum yum~ darling cook for me.. heEeheEe.. of cos nt onli she cook la doh.. u tink i'm so lazy meah.. hahaha! den after dat went to watch dodge ball.. nice show man.. but abit short.. 1hr30min onli.. den i send darling home den went back.. saturdayyyyyyyyyyy woke up abt 12.. darling came my hse.. b4 dat she went to buy bag.. waited hrs for the shop to open.. so she come my hse abit late le.. darling actually wanted 2 do project n play cs.. budden she tired.. so she slpt.. after dat we went tpy.. play sum rock fever.. den play sum cs.. den we went ljs to eat.. den i send her home.. weEEe alot of muack muack hug hug.. lols.. den went to sentosa meet gab they all.. cb they tell me no bus.. in the end my cab following the bus.. z.Z reach there liao.. 10++ bbq over.. lols.. sianz! den we talk alot of crap.. mainly sex topics.. :X haha.. den also got sum superstitious topics.. scaryyyy hahaha.. den went for supper den slpt at monorail there.. nxt morning woke up.. they said wanted 2 swim.. grRrRr pangseh me.. bo pian i oso go swim lor.. spend lyk 4+ hrs in the water.. glup! sea water all go in le.. we tried 2 catch fish.. haha.. complete failure! den went tpy find darling.. she studying there wif jalene.. i got nth 2 study.. came direct from sentosa doh~ den dunnieboi came.. den ard 6+ went crc.. play rock fever abit.. den send darling home.. den come back.. tired man.. stupid 4+hrs in the water drain me out totally.. tiredx.X! -END-

* LoVe LovEllE *


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