Friday, April 01, 2005

weEeEee.. exAMs... OVER!

firstly.. its fukin april fools... happy april fools :D okies back to the topic ^^ my exams are over.. weeEee ]=[eLL yeAHz! woot feels so gd.. i tink i'm gonna work during my hols.. juz waiting for the right job :] hopefully can find it soon.. not dat i nid money but.. more money is better den no money... hehehe.. 2ml having soccer match.. playing the NP field.. totally GG.. so damn big.. as in the field not the stadium.. standard size 1 ley.. i will look lyk a ant on the field.. lol.. okies dat all folks.. will update again shortly.. :D happy april fO.oLz!

BBBrennaNNN (^(oo)^)


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