Sunday, February 06, 2005

SchoOl StArTS AgaIN!!! >.<

the title says it all.. lols.. sch starts again.. i tried to update the other day.. den type so much.. in the end come out.. page cannot be found!! omg dulans.. aniway past few days has been just lyk normal.. nothin too special.. on thursday my final paper over.. woot play time.. den my mum was discharge on dat day too.. friday.. woke up abt 12+ jj called me or else wudnt wake up.. den went to meet dear at parkway parade.. ate.. den play abit of arcade.. den she bought prezzie for her fren.. den went her house den came home nt too late.. saturday was like a normal weekend.. met dear at bugis.. den ate first.. den went arcade play awhile.. den went walk walk.. dear bought a "sweater" like stuff.. the name says it all.. makes u sweat like hell.. lols.. looks cO_oL stuff.. den went her hse.. stayed awhile den went home too.. den today.. morning woke up play soccer.. played veri long.. den couldnt meet dear today.. my soccer end late.. she at nite got reunion dinner.. den i came home.. bathe.. and slpt lyk a pig.. juz wake up and taken my dinner.. dats abt all for my weekend.. school starts again 2ml.. gawd damn sian.. chinese new year weeekkkkkk! weEEeeT~!

BBBrennaNNN :-]


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