Wednesday, February 02, 2005

hAiZ... o.O

OkAYs.. i'm backz.. nt been blogging for hell.. say abt 3 months.. sorry lahs its abit sian.. but nvm i'm back and will try to keep updating.. keep tagging man.. :P okays nth much has changed in the past few months.. i haven grown 10kg heavier nor 10cm taller.. still the same old slacker brennan.. recently just organised my first and maybe my last soccer outing wif the guys.. turned out quite successful.. 11 pple.. nt bad.. it aint hard to organise izzit? :P maybe i'm just so damn gd.. hehe.. aniway manchesterunited vs arsenal tonite... pray and hope united fans.. gl to both teams aniway.. may the best man win.. sumthin abt my life.. me and dear are gonna be together for abt 7 months.. heehee.. recently been playing the bball game in the arcade.. woot quite fun.. my studies haf been "A OK!" for now dat is.. past 2 papers have been a breeze.. easy stuff.. nxt 2 harder ones.. hope can score well for all of them aniway.. today my mum was hospitalised... doctor said was sum minor stroke.. dun realli noe how serious it is.. hope its just a small thing which can be erased just lyk this fullstop at the end of the sentense. den my cousins call up and kpkb.. haiz.. sianz.. when no trouble no1 call.. got trouble machiam all blame me.. woot.. den wat can i do.. cant talk back rite.. later they say i disrespectful or wateva shit.. have been doing quite well wif my frens.. outings soccer and stuff.. we just play the beautiful game.. love life over.. studies over.. frens over.. wats left? hmm cs life.. recently nv play much cs.. more of gb bah.. lols.. hehehe nth much abt cs recently too.. my team still lacking 1 player.. gary has said he doesnt wan to play ani more compys.. so we nid sum other last which i doubt will be as gd as he is.. but nvm.. still early days.. chill out peeps.. have fun.. <3 ya all.. happy holidays!

BBBrennaNNN :-]


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