Tuesday, November 09, 2004


past few days haf been as usual.. nth much and i'm freaking lazy to blog le.. lols.. ok lets juz re-cap my weekend.. friday went to meet darling at PS.. watch shark tale.. nt bad.. esp since i love cartoons.. lols.. den after dat we tapao home macdonalds den watch sg idol results.. exciting wor.. leandra out.. olinda 2nd last votes.. left daphnne.. taufik.. slyvester and olinda.. by the voting it seems lyk olinda wud be out nxt.. after dat watch the chinese show.. nth much le.. den go home.. saturday... meet darling at bugis.. watch the princess dairy 2.. after dat darling shop for a present for her cousin.. bought a small soft toy.. den walk walk abit.. ate mos burger den went darling hse.. booOoya.. kenna chased home.. sunday.. darling haf to go her cousin birthday party.. she spend quite sum time there.. den we meet at eunos ard 4+ den went to marine parade.. eat eat.. walk walk.. den went darling hse.. stayed awhile.. den went home.. monday.. woke up hell late as usual.. den dear come my hse.. oh i din eat lunch.. lols.. hungry shit.. den my sis left for work.. den onli we 2 at home ^^ lol.. ard evening lyk dat fell asleep on da bed.. heEeheEe.. den mum came back wif dinner.. ate dinner watch sum tv.. den darling had to go.. den send darling off.. dats abt all.. heEeheEe.. -END- P.S--> to the fuckers who stole my friends handphones wallets wateva n stuff.. screw u all upside down.. nxt time ur baby no backside.. o.Ops.. u arent even potent.. z_Z (_ _) <-- kiss my ass!

* sentosa is a fun but f up place too *


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