Monday, April 04, 2005

PlAY TimE.. HAs ArrRRiveD! :D

weEEeEe... play time is back.. sorry for the double post i posted once b4 my exams.. den i thot nv appear.. den post again after my exams.. lol.. aniway the weekends was a happy and gd 1.. lols.. on friday went marine parade library to find dear.. den read sum books on dinosaurs and cats.. or i mean see pictures.. lol.. den send dear go piano.. den i went arcade.. den her piano end liao we went eat mos burger.. den we walked ard as usual den go see sum cute lil doggies and hamsters b4 going home.. sat woot.. woke up late sia.. darling woke me up.. den wake up str8 away go play soccer liao.. won 5-1.. yea yea.. lol.. den meet darling at tpy.. she playing match in crc.. den after dat we went eat fish soup.. walk to ljs and eat fries.. walk up see movies.. no suitable timeslots.. den went to parkway.. dear wan go popular.. den buy sum stuff den went home.. damn tired sia.. slpt at her hse for maybe 3hrs.. lol.. den left and go home.. sunday.. wake up late too.. aiya always wakeup late 1 la.. lol.. den eat lunch liao went bugis.. eat liao den went simlim.. dear buy her ipod cover.. den play abit den go home liao.. 2ml going sentosa wif class... been long since i went there sia.. lol.. but dun intend to stay for long aniway.. okay dats abt all.. -END-

BBBrennaNNN (^(oo)^)


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