Tuesday, September 21, 2004

MaN u Vs LiVErpoOl

okie another day at sch... short day in fact.. lessons onli 2-6.. in fact 2-5:30.. 11+ lyk dat darling sms me.. woke me up.. haha she had gd news to tell me.. weEEe she cud do her maths test.. kakaka MMmuacKieZ.. den i went for lunch.. came back slack ard on tv.. watch liao den chiong 2 sch.. in sch boring man.. i wasnt realli paying attention.. onli abit here n there.. teacher oso nv teach much bah.. more of doing his work rather den learnin.. den came home.. darling at home le.. i thot she still at library.. end up she at home.. i at home.. but we sms-ing.. lols.. den darling got funeral to attend at 7:30.. but in the end she nv go.. coz will be kinda late.. den she tired.. heEeheEe.. den darling went to study.. i was disturbing her so i went watch tv first.. o.Ops.. watch until slp.. darling sms me call me i oso nv ans.. my fone silent mode.. sorry darling.. MuacKieZ.. weEEee wake up le.. Man U vS LivErpoOL.. my father sae will be 6 goals.. lols.. kinda ridiculous huh? he sae 6 goals the odds gd.. 1 pay 16.. buy 10 oso can get 160.. lols.. but if see odds n buy den buy 9++ liao wat.. :X ok lay 6 quite reasonable for such gd odds.. cos both keepers kinda keylong nowadays.. ok dats all.. i go watch tv le.. do my maths.. kekeke.. last min work always helps.. :P.. oh btw.. darling i got ur msg.. the 1 u ask zhe pass to me de.. heEeheEe.. MMMuacKieZ.. -END-

* LoVe LovEllE *


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