Monday, November 28, 2005

school again... :(

haven been blogging the past few days.. kinda tired and so slpt wifout blogging.. lets start off wif sat.. sat i woke up at 7+ almost 8am.. yeah 8AM!! no joke.. on a saturday.. probably the first time in my 18 yrs of life.. den woke up was bored.. i played sum neopets.. den juz browsed the web and wasted a few hours of time.. didnt go back to slp.. why i woke up so early dun ask me i dunno too.. den ate early lunch cos i din haf breakfast.. growls..

after lunch continued my slacking.. den abt 3+ or so went to dear house.. den we juz did wat couples do.. lol.. den evening time.. went parkway to eat.. dear ate sum "you mian" or smth while i had chicken rice.. the deer meat rice there was 6.30.. scared the shit outta me.. den we also bought famous amos.. and a dunno wat muffin like thingy for dear.. den went to library.. became dear personal servant.. juz followed her around.. help her carry juz about everithin.. the perfect bf.. picked 8 books but onli could borrow 4.. cos dear brudda card owed lyk $17++ or smth.. den we walked and bus-ed home..

we watched herbie or dunno wat the show title name.. the lindsay lohan and car 1.. den the dvd was going "chika chika ping piang pong chika boom ka lau sai" so we din finish watching it.. but watch until almost the end liao bah.. den juz slacked all the way till my daddy came.. which was pretty early.. i also installed dota into dear's com.. lol..

sunday was the usual sunday.. woke up at 856 or smth.. gab woke me up.. meeting at 9.. oh jesus.. i had 4mins to fly to toh guan.. lol.. den reached toh guan abt 945 or smth.. den started soccer till abt 2.. was 1 of my better days even thou my stamina was really slacking.. my dad watched me for awhile too.. and i scored 1 goal in front of him i tink.. a simple tap in showing sum gd composure.. yea rite.. lol.. scored an amazing goal too.. but no1 was there to see it.. lol.. den after dat took train down to dear house..

reached dear house abt 3 or smth i nt dat sure.. den bathed.. and slpt for awhile.. abt an hr dear said.. but inbetween dear keep waking me up.. growls! den we were suppose to go roller blading.. but a combination of me being tired and dear leg pain so in the end didnt.. we went parkway to eat.. dear ate the you mian again.. while i ate hong kong mee and duck rice.. whu says small pple cant eat much ^^ after dat we juz walked around.. bought sum snacks here and there.. b4 cabbing home..

at dear house we played abit of gb.. damn my gb skills has dropped by about 80% at least.. meaning 10 shots i tio 2 now cos last time i would tio 10.. :X.. den dear tried dota for the first time too.. her com was pretty lag.. so she didnt haf a gd impression of dota.. lol.. but aniway its abit complicated even for a brain like mine.. hehE! den dear played match while i juz slacked away in her bed.. till my dad came to pick me abt 12:20.. ok dats abt all.. i'm prolly gonna watch soccer or maybe juz slp.. sch at 8 2ml :( growls!

*** BBBrennaNNN has been a vonderful bf this weekend :D ***


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