Wednesday, November 30, 2005

dear's day!! :D

ok today was dear's day.. or rather tuesday.. since its past 12.. woke up kinda late.. dear woke me up wif a sms.. purposely set my sms to a long noisy tone.. den dear came over.. we went market.. ta pao home 2 packets of chicken rice.. den came home and eat while watching sum tv.. den after lunch juz cuddle around in bed.. den we played dota 2gether vs com.. quite gd.. i was pumping dear.. lol.. den dear played abit of gb while i played dota.. play and play den late le.. tried to play dota again 2gether but my dumb com was lagging lyk shit.. so couldnt..

den my mum came home.. after awhile me and dear went to market to eat again.. walked and walked.. didnt realli noe wat we wanted to eat.. i settled on a mee pok while dear had fish and chips.. after dat suppose to buy food for my mum.. but couldnt find the damn stalls.. lol.. den in the end bought chicken chop for her.. den walked dear to take a cab.. den juz strolled home..

came home.. while waiting for dear i played a quick dota game.. 1v3 vs com.. won in 26mins.. nt bad nt bad.. lol.. den dear reached home.. juz chatted and such.. den we played abit of cs.. den dota 2gether.. dear seems to be getting more interested in dota.. probably bcos her cs was lagging lyk shit today.. lol.. okie dats abt all.. time to slp.. sch in da morning 2ml.. cya~ :D

*** BBBrennaNNN's happy dear's day!! ***


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