Monday, April 11, 2005

weEee... 9 months... heheheh

okies the weekends are over... nth much this weekend.. on sat afternoon went to "pai" my grandmother.. den meet dear at tpy.. den dear do sum work.. after dat we watched the pacifier.. not bad.. den after movie went to eat fish soup.. den go home liao.. den on sunday.. played soccer in the morning.. den went home.. den bathe and left home liao.. went to "pai" my grandfather and my auntie.. den went to dear house.. 9 months liao... hehehe.. den went parkway to eat mac.. first time i eat mcspicy double.. lol.. so filling.. den went home after dat.. den i slp at dear hse while she do her maths.. occasionally wake up to help her.. den she ting xie.. den i read out for her.. woot.. my chinese is the best lor seriously.. den my daddy came to fetch me.. hehehe.. ok dats all.. i'm seriously bored now.. damn...

*** Lovelle & Brennan first kissed 9 months ago ^^ ***


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