Friday, April 15, 2005

iTs fRidAYz!

its friday.. friday morning.. kakaka.. watched soccer yesterday.. liverpool vs juve.. draw.. and liverpool is thru.. woot.. nt bad.. liverpool defence swee swee.. attack koyak koyak.. lols.. all english derby for semi finals.. means finals sure got english club.. kakaka.. hopefully liverpool can haf their revenge and beat chelsea.. but chelsea are strong.. the stronger definitely.. okies.. past few days haf been juz abt the same.. sleeping late cos watch soccer.. waking up late too.. den playing sum cs.. sum gb.. and stuff.. friday is diff.. cos i will meet dear.. hehehe.. its been 4 days.. kakaka.. okies dats abt all.. the holidays are so boring.. nth to blog abt.. kakak.. -END-

,-*'^'*-,_,-*'^'*-,_,-~>>> Lovelle & Brennan


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