Thursday, April 07, 2005

enjoying the holidays.. :D

weeee.. the hols haf juz started.. kinda boring but shldnt be for long.. dat is after i find a suitable job... yesterday watched liverpool win juventus.. gd match.. deserving win for liverpool.. den later there will be the milan derby and chelsea match.. but i'm watching the derby.. derby usually more exciting.. lol.. juz found out the price of the flat mp3 player.. cheaper den i expected.. below $200 bucks.. shld buy it but muz get job.. den got money to buy.. hehehe.. hope to get a job soon.. hope can get gd pay.. but the higher the pay.. the longer i wud feel lyk working.. lol.. normal pay wud be fine.. abt $6 :] okays.. dats all.. still haven cleared my table.. still as messy as b4.. gotta do it soon.. friday is coming.. hehhee... last min always works... dats all... -END-

*** Lovelle & Brennan living happily ever after ***


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