Saturday, October 09, 2004

LaaZzzzY meEEeE!

howdy partners... haven been updating for quite sum time.. hahaha laziness ownz me.. :P ok past few days oso nt much bah.. its all abt nv go sch.. kekeke.. i did go on wed.. 8-10.. but reach sch.. decided nt 2 go class.. haha.. i stay near canteen 2 doing the CP thingy dunno how 2 spell hahaha.. den ard 10.10 den left for home.. dats abt all i ever went 2 sch.. hahaha.. this week meet darling for most days.. no sch mah.. so can pei her.. she having exams.. so we meet to study almost all the time.. normally meeting ard her place bah.. so ezier for her 2 go home.. been 2 her hse on thurs fri sat too.. machiam everidae sia.. coz she wan watch sg idol n stuff.. den go her hse watch lo.. nt bad.. oh btw z_Z dunno y he lyk so popular sia.. maybe singaporeans dun dig their freaking ears.. kakaka.. den kept falling asleep at her hse.. too freakin tired bah.. she read 24pages of forums on olinda.. wtfish.. i slpt while she reading.. haha.. besides dat nth much le bah.. spending most of my time wif her past few days.. 2dae went play soccer wif my frens.. tired shit.. den came home wash up abit.. den left for tpy le.. meet darling there 2 study.. till abt 8+ den we left for crc.. play sum rock fever there.. crc empty sia.. cos of gxl compy.. den after awhile left for homeee.. den waiting for cab got sum cb buey paiseh idiots cut queue.. juz cos we abit further back they come cut queue.. wtf.. they tink we at taxi stand talkin? z_Z nvm lah i understand.. kiasu singaporeans.. fark off n die pls.. hope ur taxi break down.. ok dats all for 2dae.. exams yao lai liao.. study hard peeps.. dun ask me 2 study.. heheheh.. studying is not my game.. :P -END-

* LoVe LovEllE *


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