Sunday, November 20, 2005

super shaggged~

its been a real busy weekend.. hardly like the normal weekend.. haven got much slp the past few days.. total of 11hrs of slp in the past 3 days.. but this is once a year so its kinda normal..

started my sunday sort of the usual way.. i slpt at abt 4+ and gab called me at almost 9.. supposed to meet at 9 for soccer.. but yea in the end reached there about 945.. together wif tam.. my dad drove us there.. den played for awhile.. not veri long.. usually play longer den dat.. bcos the dudes there went off early.. so we had no1 to play against oso.. lol.. den started to drizzle abit.. so we went into the void deck and played abit of monkey.. after awhile we rested den go coffee shop for lunch.. after lunch took cab home wif tam..

den came home.. bathe and change.. den laid on the bed reading the papers.. den gab called.. he was on the way to mambo liao.. so i left house and walked there.. when i reached gab wasnt there yet.. instead i saw desmund aka my poly classmate.. after awhile gab came.. jw and darius oso.. den we started to play.. tam arrived soon too.. den played 8ball on 1 table.. 9 ball on another.. each taking turns.. the 9 ball table was supposingly the "champions" table.. lol.. den played till abt 4+ den gab left.. den abt 5 i left.. going to dear house..

reached dear house.. she was playing o2jam.. i played abit too.. i tink i improved quite alot.. lol.. even wifout playing.. i could pass a 6 star song.. even thou it is barely pass.. den we cabbed to bugis for dinner.. ate seoul garden since i had the free voucher.. realli full.. 1/2way had to go pang sai.. den after eating we walked around.. bought dear a techno/dance CD.. den walked abit more.. den headed home.. i was real tired liao.. at dear house i went to slp awhile.. den getting late le.. my dad couldnt fetch me today.. so i head home and here i am.. real tired.. going to slp now.. shall update again 2ml..

*** BBBrennaNNN super shaG~ ***


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