Wednesday, November 16, 2005

my leg is numb.. my forehead is hot.. and my mind is spinning..

today was just lyk ani other normal school day.. woke up at abt 8.. lessons start at 9.. den reach school.. had 3 hrs of lectures.. this teacher is lyk those super duper slack.. if i'm teacher i'll be sumthin lyk him.. he teach awhile.. den says.. OKAY TEA BREAK.. lol.. den ended up he taught veri little.. not dat it realli mattered.. most pple wasnt realli listening.. den after dat.. had 1hr of tutorial.. or rather 1hr of free time.. even lionel wasnt listening.. wat can u expect.. lol.. after dat no more lessons.. came home.. on the way home met my sis.. dats abt all.. didnt buy back lunch..

came back home.. waited for dear tuition to end while i surf the web.. play sum neopets and stuff.. den chat awhile wif dear.. den dear wanted to do her maths.. so i slacked and switch channels for awhile b4 going down to get sum snacks/food and newpaper.. den came home.. after reading.. felt veri tired.. got slight fever.. so i went to slp awhile.. till dinner.. my mum woke me up.. to eat sum food.. juz ate panadol.. probably going to slp soon.. cya~

do you realise its easy for male singers to propose.. after their concert.. all they nid.. flowers.. a ring.. get on 1 knee.. and propose to their gf on the stage.. wif the crowd of lets say 20K or 10K behind him.. which ger would reject? ^^

(^(oo)^) sickly piggy sleepy me.. :D


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