Sunday, November 13, 2005

its sundayyyyy

sunday was quite normal.. juz dat this week nv play soccer.. i tink cos i lost my hp gab couldnt reach me.. den i woke up kinda late.. 12+ i tink.. den eat steamboat.. family lunch as usual.. den bathe and went to pick dear from piano.. i was early ^^.. after dat we walked over to mac.. but mac was kinda crowded at lyk 330? so we walk over to popular first.. nth to buy oso.. den to the pet shop and finally walked back to mac.. and eat... den after eating we went to the budget shop and buy sum snacks b4 cabbing home.. played abit of neopets.. den i went to slp.. inbetween my slp had to wake up and help dear wif sum maths.. trigo.. ah.. quite easy.. lol.. got 1 i dunno.. o lvl wun come out 1.. :D den dats all.. so i'm bored.. and i start blogging.. bb folks :D



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