Tuesday, November 15, 2005

freeeee tuesday...

weee every tuesday no school.. so i slpt kinda late on monday.. slpt at abt 3.. but i woke up early today.. lol.. woke up at ard 8.. den started playing abit of neopets.. i earned the neopets "cheat" trophy.. den played abit of fm.. after awhile sian liao.. waking up too early wasnt dat gd actually.. nth much to do.. kinda bored.. den i woke my sis up.. den ordered pizza and eat.. the pizza dude 4got our drink.. den my sis call and complain.. den he brought it up.. lol..

after lunch.. nth much to do oso.. after abit of tv neopets and slacking.. felt damn bored and tired.. so i went to slp at abt 3+ or 4.. did barely anithin in the afternoon.. lol.. den mummy called.. going westmall for dinner and also looking at some handfones and sum shoes.. realised dat my sis couldnt get the shoe at 60% discount.. den didnt wan to buy.. afterall its not like it was really really nice.. den went to eat dinner at the food court.. i ate chicken rice.. kinda ex for a small plate.. $3.70.. den my mum eat sum pig organ soup wif rice or smth lyk dat.. after dat went to see handfones.. ah.. N90.. guess the price.. omg a freaking $1180.. lol.. damn its ex.. lol.. so after tinkin awhile.. decided to see other fones dat would suit my sis.. since the fones i like are all lyk 1K and above.. lol.. the 8800 is $1298.. lol.. den after taking a closer look at the other fones for my sis.. oso couldnt realli decide.. the samsung 1 nt bad.. 4get wat model.. den cabbed home..

reach home abt 830 or 9.. den juz slacked in front of the com till now.. surfing the web.. changing a small detail in my blog.. i tink my dear will notice it better.. den also played sum cs.. dats abt all.. gotta slp.. sch in da morning.. growls.. wanted to do my movie today but in the end was juz too lazy.. :D dear said we could do a couple movie nxt time.. during dec will probably do dat.. cya~

(^(oo)^) BBBrennaNNN (,")


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