Thursday, November 17, 2005

the eve.. of my birthday eve..

today was juz another ordinary day.. except from the fact its the eve of my birthday eve ^^.. woke up abt 7+ or 8 today.. fever had gone down already.. woke up and played abit of neopets.. since i din play much yesterday.. den realli juz slacked.. read the papers.. watched sum tv.. and soon it was almost 10.. so left for school.. 1hr lesson only.. no book to bring also.. decided to go sch empty handed.. and i did.. wif my keys handfone and sum cash.. :D

the boring class ended at 11.. den walked home.. bought food back on the way.. den came home eat and stuff.. den chatted wif dear online for awhile.. b4 taking a quick shower.. and back chatting wif dear.. den headed to sch at abt 1.. 4 boring hours of lesson was nxt.. the first 2.. a dumb ass teacher whu didnt allowed the students to open the laptops.. lol.. i did 1 tutorial during the class.. while trying to pay attention.. it was hard surronded by laptops.. even thou i brought mine i din take it out.. lol.. the nxt 2 hrs were nt too bad.. seems lyk for the first 3 weeks the teacher has been teacher the same thing.. reference point and reference direction seems to be the things he says at all classes ~_~ den played abit of CS wif my classmates.. b4 dat played checkers and totally owned :D after class headed home as usual.. nothin much..

back at home.. as usual the first thing i do.. get on my com.. lol.. dear said there was WCG LIVE TV to watch.. so i juz checked on it.. and watched a few rounds.. while dling naruto.. din realli touch neopets besides looking at my shares occasionally.. watched sum naruto while chatting online wif dear.. talking abit abt cs.. dear was complaining abt her mum being bias.. damn her mum is BIAS shit.. soon dinner time.. ate sum fish blah blah.. den came back to my com.. basically i tink i spend 10hrs on my com a day at least :D dear said she was going to study.. so i went to did my work too.. surprising eh.. did sum stuff on my laptop.. 2ml haf a small test.. now still haf written shit to do.. 2ml oso test.. lol.. but this written shit is much harder.. growls.. prolly nt gonna slp early today.. slpt enuff yesterday :D 2ml gonna play soccer wif my classmates.. dats all :D tataz.. and bb..

wat girls really mean when they say...
i need = i want
we need = i want
its your decision = the correct decision shld be obvious by now
do wateva u wan = u're gonna pay for this later
we need to talk = i need to complain
i'm not upset = of cos i'm upset u moron!
u're so manly = u need to shave.. and u sweat alot
u're certainly attentive tonight = is sex all u ever tink abt?
i'm nt emotional and i'm not overreacting! = i have a severe case of PMS
this kitchen is so inconvenient = i wan a new house
i wan new curtains = i wan new curtains.. new furniture.. new wallpaper.. new carpeting
do you love me? = i'm gonna ask for sumthin expensive

dats all folks :D

*** BBBrennaNNN ***


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