Monday, November 21, 2005

birthday mood sorta over..

okies the birthday mood is sorta over.. starting of the week on a monday is always bad.. 8hrs of sch.. lol.. woke up at 740.. den rushed to sch.. was abit late.. but since its monday morning.. still counts as being on time.. lol.. den had a surprise quiz.. not too bad... i tink i can score 75 for it.. lol.. a huge improvement compared to the 0 i tink i got for the first 1.. den sit beside hanting and do the exercises together.. damn hanting damn sway.. his test koyak den no mood all the way.. sway all the way.. do for dunno how long in the end must delete everithin.. lol.. den class end den walked home..

went home to take my laptop b4 heading to sch.. wanted a few songs for martin.. he wanted the CS crack from me too.. den SOM class.. teacher super fark.. lol.. tink the whole lecture class pban him liao.. den finished off my lessons wif AMD and ED.. both classes sort of lyk free time.. played abit of cs and neopets.. b4 walking home went to buy the SOM book.. if dun buy dunno how to study sia.. teacher oso dun let us use laptop..

reach home.. was kinda tired.. fell asleep while lying on bed.. den woke up 7+ eat lunch.. fish prawn egg.. den came back to the com.. send dear a couple of songs and chat wif dear.. den she had tuition.. so i tried to find sumthin to do.. changed tv channels lyk 500 times in 20mins.. den went to my laptop.. played abit of winning 11.. den after awhile oso sian.. came back to my com and wait for dear to come back.. juz finished 1 cs scrim.. dats abt all.. nt sure wat i'm gonna do later.. nt slping early since 2ml no sch.. cya~

*** BBBrennaNNN ***


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