Saturday, November 19, 2005

2nd part of the day.. :D

okies my 2nd post of today.. my day.. my special day.. after watching a couple of demos.. it was already 2+ reaching 3.. den gab called me.. he said he was coming down soon.. lol.. den abt 3.. he jw and zn came to my house.. den we chilled out.. jw buey paiseh bring my biscuit come my room and ask me can eat anot.. den they installed some winning 11 on my laptop.. and played for awhile.. a couple of matches.. can u believe china won brazil.. lol.. nono we were not china.. we were brazil.. lol.. but aniway i was the strongest link among the 4 of us!

den after playing a few times.. it was getting boring.. so we went down play some 2v2 midnight void deck soccer.. lol.. damn tiring sia.. jw was panting like a dog while sweating like a pig.. look at wat A levels does to our gerrard.. den played for awhile den bth liao.. so we sit down and chatted awhile.. mostly about jw.. den gab drove us out to have a drink which he paid for too.. den we chatted there for quite long.. until abt 6+.. jw and zn had to go b4 their parents wake up.. lol.. so we left.. dats abt all.. den i came home.. dear was awake already.. so we chat for awhile until abt 7 b4 i went to bed.. not too bad the first 7hrs of my birthday was good :D

woke up at abt 1+ mum woke me up for lunch.. she knew i slpt late too dats y she woke me up late.. den had lunch.. after dat nuthin much.. more like a usual saturday.. went to my com.. browsed the web.. played abit of neopets.. currently lying on bed.. juz played wif winning 11.. going out to meet my wonderful dear soon :D dats all for now.. cya~ thanks to gab jw and zn for their present as well as those whu sms-ed me to my old number.. lol.. tataZ~

*** BBBrennaNNN wasted 6hrs of his birthday sleeping :X ***


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