Tuesday, April 26, 2005

aLmoSt a monTh ovER!

almost a month into my hols liao.. hehehe.. basically the same thing everiday... slacking.. sleep.. play.. naruto... cs.. tv.. eat... lols.. been a few days since i've blogged.. too lazy n stuff.. this weekend was abt the same.. pick dear up from her piano on friday.. den ate mos burger.. no arcade again.. lols.. went popular.. buy pen.. den head home.. den on sat.. i had soccer.. while dear had speech day.. den met abt 5 at bugis.. den went mos burger again.. lols.. den eat.. den head home.. i slpt at dear house for quite sum time.. lols.. okies on to sunday.. no soccer on sunday.. den i ate lunch at home wif my family.. as usual.. lols.. den went dear house.. oso as usual.. den dear sleeping.. watta pig :X.. den we went parkway.. and ate.. guess wat!.. mos burger again.. 3days in a row.. WHAHAHHA.. den after dat went see doggie n stuff.. den head home watch after the sunset.. nt bad.. watch b4 liao btw.. lols.. still feel national treasure is nicer.. dats abt all for the weekend.. more slacking ahead! :D.. NitEz.. -END-

*** Lovelle & Brennan ***


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