Tuesday, October 12, 2004

bloggggg is borrringggggg

ok updateeee... sunday.. 10/10/2004.. hahha our 3rd month.. or 1/4 year.. lol.. met at bugis.. den went mos burger eat eat.. den wanted 2 study.. budden too freaking hot la.. den in the end we cab to my hse.. kekeke.. actualli wanted play cs.. budden end up laptop sumthin rong cant STEAM.. den plan also failed.. lol.. in the end.. nv study nv cs.. lol.. den darling wan go back early.. she wan study.. at my hse how 2 study sia.. lol.. den we went market ate the katong laksa.. maybe she too full or wat den couldnt finish.. den took cab home.. mers cab.. AHAHHAHA.. lucky sia.. alot of muack muack hug hug.. aniversary mah.. lol.. :X den ydae.. didnt meet.. i actualli had 2 go 2 sch for sum shit.. budden end up not for me de.. damn.. they send email to me.. grRrRr.. den nv meet darling.. oh.. den jw called me.. we jiao wei jiao wei awhile.. den he ask me soccer.. since tam going.. np bah.. can ez share cab home.. hahahaha.. den went there.. haven start playing started raining.. wtfiakz.. sian.. heng after awhile the rain stopped.. den we play awhile.. den tamil tigers come.. grRrRr no mood sia.. lose wan beat pple dat type.. sore losers.. eeEeK.. den we went play freeze n melt.. childish rite.. hahah.. fun man.. tiring oso.. ok den cab home wif tam.. den nth liao ba.. den 2dae.. went out wif darling.. went tpy.. study abit.. jiao wei alot.. den cs abit.. rock fever abit.. lyk dat bah.. i going 2 pass my first rock fever 'hard' song!! hahaha... den send her home.. den come home.. weeEeeEe.. exams coming le poly mates.. or oreadi started.. lol.. or oreadi ended? wateva.. gl all da best.. -END-

* LoVe LovEllE *


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